Roo Corner

This is our way of showing off the family. Hope everyone enjoys it!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

I know, I'm fired!

Ok, ok. I didn't realize just HOW long it had been since I posted on here until I went to download pictures and saw the dates... LOL. Well, anyway this should catch you up since last summer. This is Jack and I from our trip to the Blue Mtns in Oregon last August *cough*.

Not the lead horse...

You know, it's true what they say about the scenery not changing... hmm

Stylin' in the woods

Look! Brian grew a new "moss"tache. Hehe.

Bandit and Elise

Rode over the jumps at a friends house. It was good to get out of the house and stretch his legs.

Bouncy bouncy

Some spring exercise for both Bandit and I. People who say that horseback riding isn't exercise have never jumped.

Driving Miss Elise

I got this beautiful carriage from some friends of ours and started driving my old man on it... Doesn't he look flashy! You'd never guess this horse is 23 years old. He took to it like a champ. Soon I'll be starting some others on the cart. We took the carriage downtown Emmett and drove around... People were staring and waving. It was like a parade of one.

Brian and Streaky... doesn't that consist of BS?

Streaky is 5 this year. Brian has been putting a lot of time on him this spring. He's doing really great. He still complains that Streaky is a midget, but I think he's a great size. And besides, that's a shorter fall to the ground.


I'm not sure what the jeans did, but they must have REALLY misbehaved. She is giving them what-for. Teeth and claws going to town. Though I would rather it was the jeans than my arm... lol

Binky and Mudpie

Well, I got a kitten for my birthday. (she's the one lying down with her belly in the air) Binky isn't so sure she's very happy about it, but she's being a good sport. It would probably help things if the kitten didn't pounce on her and chase her around. Little kitten bully.


Mudpie went outside for the first time. I was out at the horse trailer and she climbed up on the tire and poked her little head out to look around. She's awful cute.

Naptime for the kitten...

Caught this one in the act of... you guessed it... NAPPING! That's unusual for a cat... lmao


Welcome Teenee to the family. Teenee is a Belgian draft horse just like Tynee. So now I have my "Teenie, Tynee" team. LOL. She is just a yearling so she is one year behind Tynee. She came from the same place as Tynee. Had my eye on her ever since she hit the ground and she has always been named Teenee, even if her owner at the time didn't know it. =)

Holy Flippers Batman!!

Wow! These are some LONG feet. Once again we take on the responsibility of fixing a pony's feet. Hers haven't been trimmed in a year! Here goes nothing... I'm not sure why it is that people think it's ok for horses to have feet that look like paddles. =(

*grumble, grumble*

Does this look like the face of an impressed pony? I think not. This was the first time we tried to trim the horrible flippers she was trying to use as feet. She wasn't thrilled at the idea but she was a trooper. Of course, we only got the front 2 trimmed before she decided "we're done!"

That's a funny looking horse...

Brian and Teenie were getting to know each other and along comes TJ the terrorist. That cat hath no fear. He was half climbing up Teenie's legs. It was plain that Teenie had no idea what this new fuzzy creature was.